The Magic of Getting Up On Time

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5:00 am.  I intend to get up each day at 5:00 am.

The operative word, unfortunately, is intend.

I succeeded just once over the past week.  That time, I woke up thirsty at 4:40am, and just stayed up. You’d logically think that I was exhausted by the end of that day.


I felt energized and successful.

Our self-perception of energy is easily skewed by the narrative we tell ourselves.

“I woke up at 4:40 am!  Man, am I going to be exhausted later tonight!”

Why assume that?

4:40 am sounds noteworthy because it’s uncommon.  Our bodies, however, don’t have a clue about what time it is.

Each time you fall asleep an hour early, do you anticipate an awesome tomorrow? Didn’t think so.

We are much better at creating negative narratives for ourselves.

Screw that.  Get up early.

Here’s what I plan to do, and I invite you to try it with me.

Not Immortal Action Step
Since I know I’m not immortal and need to make the most of my time, I will:

When the alarm goes off:

  • Get up (no snooze button!)
  • Stretch your arms over your head.
  • Stay on your feet for five minutes.
  • If you want to go back to bed after those five minutes, feel free.

I think we won’t though.

We can use this quiet time for the things which enrich you. Meditate, exercise, journal, have a distraction-free cup of coffee–anything which is just for you.

Good luck to you.  Wish me luck as well!





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